Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Chalk Art Gallery

When we moved into our current home, I knew I wanted at least one chalk board wall in the house. Since it was my first experience with chalk board paint, I decided to start small and use the longest wall in the laundry room. It ended up working out perfect because our laundry room connects to our garage, which is the main door that we use to go in and out of our house. My daughter and I would draw funny or sweet messages for my husband to see as he left for work and came home in the evening. Now that my husband has changed to primarily working from home, the chalk wall isn't getting much action. I decided tonight to make revamping the chalk wall a family project and it ended up being a lot of fun. First, we cleaned all the chalk off of the wall so we had a blank canvas. Next I had my daughter pick out some of her art work to hang and had her decide where to hang them on the wall. Then came the fun part....we used chalk to draw picture frames around the pictures in different styles. I think it turned out super cute and it got my daughter interested in drawing on the wall again. Even the baby got involved. It was a fun little Sunday evening project.
My budding artists.

I think we will periodically change out the art and maybe even do themes for the art that we hang up like winter themed, portraits, etc. I also need to pick up some colored chalk to make colorful frames and drawings. Our own little chalk wall art gallery.
Now we move on to do the less fun Sunday night activities like making lunches and all that fun get ready for the week kinda stuff! Night night!
Have you ever used chalk board paint?
What kind of artsy/fun projects have you done?

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