I have tried blogging for a while now and i just cant seem to make it work for me, so i have started a youtube channel. you can check it out here. It will mostly be random crafts and things I have done or will do. Most of my stuff is not Pinterest worthy, but I do enjoy it, so come check it out!
Hope to see you over at youtube!
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Life Lessons From A Toddler
Yesterday I had some errands to run and since I had my toddler with me, it turned into a bit of an adventure. That's one of the magical things about having kids...they make you slow down and stop and smell the roses, sometimes literally. Errands that would normally take me an hour or so took me a little over four hours and I was totally okay with it. I feel like as a mom that I am not only constantly guiding and teaching my kids, but that they are teaching me as well. The following are some of the lessons and reminders from my one year old yesterday that I think we can all benefit from (in pictures):
Always remember to accessorize.
Slow your roll....even the everyday stuff can be pretty cool.
There is always time for fun.
And lastly:
Never take yourself too seriously.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Painting Project...Before And After
I love paint. I think it is a great way to make old things look new. In fact, a lot of the furniture in my house is hand me downs that I have painted or refinished in some way. My latest project was the picnic table on my back porch. It was a plain wood table when my mom gave it to me years ago and it has had two coats of paint that I can think of over the years. I noticed the other day that it was looking pretty rough, so I decided to give it a face lift.
The first thing I did was decide the colors I wanted to paint it. I knew I wanted to do multicolored because I wanted something bright and fun to liven up the patio a bit. I pinned some color schemes on Pinterest and finally settled on a robin eggs blue and coral combo.
Next I needed paint. Since I love painting things, I do have quite a stockpile of paint, but I couldn't find the exact colors I wanted in my stash, so when I was at Walmart, I picked up a blue chalk paint. I figured that I would find the other colors at Michaels or Home Depot, but when I got home I was suddenly hit with the painting bug, so I decided to mix my own custom colors for the other two paints that I would use.
I mixed a custom coral pink and grey color.....fancy. And for some reason there is a piece of a Flutterbye Fairy in with the paint.....random.
Once my colors were ready, I got to work cleaning the table and prepping it for paint. I really, really needed to sand it, but I didn't because that is how I roll.
See what I mean....Looking a bit rough.
Ready, set, GO!
Ting! All done and I lurve it!
I think that was just what it needed....it looks happy now!
I have another paint project inside the house that has been sitting half finished for a while now....perhaps I will be inspired to get it done now too....and maybe I will blog about it???! Excite.
See ya!
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Phallic Findings, Proper Tiara Placement, And My New Favorite Snack
Here I am...two days in a row...WHAT?! B is napping so I thought I would share a few highlights from my day so far.
First off, I just want to preface what I am about to show you by saying that I love the Little Critter children's books by Mercer Mayer. I have read them to both of my daughters and we love the stories and pictures. I think they are cute and funny, BUT this pic I found in the book we read this morning is a whole new kind of funny and not the kind of funny I think the author had in mind.....
Next, I thought our fellow princesses would be interested to learn the proper way to wear their princess crowns.
Finally, I wanted to share this recipe from Skinnytaste that I just love. If you haven't been to her website before, I highly recommend it. So many healthy and tasty treats to be discovered I tell you. I have been making this zucchini recipe for a few weeks now every couple days and I just love it as a snack or even as side dish. Delish!
That's it for now, but I have a feeling I will back soon because I am on a blogging roll! Booyah!
What is your favorite low cal snack/side dish?
First off, I just want to preface what I am about to show you by saying that I love the Little Critter children's books by Mercer Mayer. I have read them to both of my daughters and we love the stories and pictures. I think they are cute and funny, BUT this pic I found in the book we read this morning is a whole new kind of funny and not the kind of funny I think the author had in mind.....
That is one happy critter.
Even funnier is that the second I saw the picture and started to laugh, I remembered that I had the same reaction years ago when I read the same book to E. It was like phallic deja vu. Good times.
Next, I thought our fellow princesses would be interested to learn the proper way to wear their princess crowns.
This baby is a trendsetter for sure.
Finally, I wanted to share this recipe from Skinnytaste that I just love. If you haven't been to her website before, I highly recommend it. So many healthy and tasty treats to be discovered I tell you. I have been making this zucchini recipe for a few weeks now every couple days and I just love it as a snack or even as side dish. Delish!
That's it for now, but I have a feeling I will back soon because I am on a blogging roll! Booyah!
What is your favorite low cal snack/side dish?
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
No Excuses, Bad Ombre, Car Dancing, And Cinderella Easter Bunnies
Geez...What a lazy lima bean I have been. I will save the excuses...I really just haven't felt inspired to blog for a while now. I figure, just like any hobby, you have to be in the mood to do it or it won't be fun, so I took a little (big) break.
Not a whole lot to catch up on really. I came down with a mysterious (not to mention painful and expensive) health issue back in January that forced me to break my awesome habit of daily workouts....sad. Since I am FINALLY feeling better, I am working on getting back on the workout wagon.
Another wonderful development that occurred during my break was what I can only describe as a "hair emergency". I will write a separate post about the experience, but to give you a little preview, I went to a salon to get a nice subtle "sombre" and my previously all natural dark blonde hair ended up like this....
Not a whole lot to catch up on really. I came down with a mysterious (not to mention painful and expensive) health issue back in January that forced me to break my awesome habit of daily workouts....sad. Since I am FINALLY feeling better, I am working on getting back on the workout wagon.
Another wonderful development that occurred during my break was what I can only describe as a "hair emergency". I will write a separate post about the experience, but to give you a little preview, I went to a salon to get a nice subtle "sombre" and my previously all natural dark blonde hair ended up like this....
Sooooo natural! GAH!
My girls are as awesome as ever (growing more and more awesome by the day!). B is learning several new words every day and is so much fun. She is a huge music lover and her newest thing is to wait for her favorite part of a song to bust some serious moves. I can't describe the cuteness, so you will have to watch for yourself.
Ohh the cuteness! She also does some serious lip syncing. I will have to get a video of that up soon because it is amazing.
E has been super busy with school and activities, but that will all be winding up VERY soon with summer break right around the corner. She was in a school play last weekend and had the part of the Easter Bunny. You might be thinking, " Oh, her school does an Easter play?" but no, it was Cinderella. Go figure.
Speaking of Easter, we had such a great family day full of Easter baskets, egg hunts, and (as always) tons and tons of food.
This is just ONE of their Easter baskets....Grandma's are awesome!
Also for Easter, E and I made giant M&M cookies to share that were amazing. I found the recipe here and we subbed pastel M&M's for chocolate chips. We made them huge by measuring the dough with a 1/4c measuring cup. I like to make them big because I think they look impressive, plus I can say I only ate one when I really probably ate three normal size cookies.
Bigger IS better (that's what she said). Huhuhuh.
I think that is pretty much the gist of what has been going on here. Well, a very condensed version, but those are the highlights. I will be posting soon about my crazy salon experience because it was a doozy and I am working on getting into the habit of capturing life as it happens so I can write about it because as fast as my kids are growing and as busy as life gets, I am going to be so grateful in future that I documented these memories (I just need to force my lazy ass to do it).
Until next time...
Monday, January 19, 2015
Weekend Highlights And Stuff I Want To Marry
When I first started this blog, I intended it to be a place for me to talk about the things that I was loving at the moment. The name of the blog came from me saying, "I love *blank* so much, I want to marry it!" a phrase which came from this amazing show from my childhood (yay for growing up in the 80's!). I am realizing though that the blogs I enjoy reading the most are about people and their everyday lives and that that is also becoming what I enjoy writing about the most. I am thinking that going forward, that is the direction I will go with a bit of my favorite things mixed in. So that is exactly what this post is...a breakdown of my weekend with my family with some of my current favorite things.
This weekend was a four day weekend for E (my 8 year old), so we got the party started on Friday. The first thing the girls did on Friday morning was get all of Baby B's Little People sets out and make a giant Little People village in the living room.
It was super cute and much appreciated because it kept B happy and busy for a good 30 minutes....long enough for me to have a cup of coffee and check emails in peace. It was good times for all.
Saturday got off to an equally amazing start because my husband was off work, which meant I got to take a nice long shower and actually take time to properly put on makeup and get ready for the day. My weekday beauty routine tends to be super rushed because I either do it when B is napping or when she is momentarily distracted by a toy right outside the shower door, so my long Saturday morning showers are a luxury for sure. Speaking of showers, something I am loving right now is this link that Janetha shared on her blog about how to properly shampoo your hair. I have fine hair and this technique has been awesome for me. My hair has lots more body and bounce...love it! Another beauty related thing I am loving is the Clairsonic Mia that I got for Christmas from my parents. If you haven't heard of it, you can check it out here. It is a bit pricey, but it is amazing, I tell you. My skin is so soft after I use it that I wish they made a giant one for my body. Good stuff. Once I was ready for the day, we went to my nephews basketball game and later took a walk to the park.
Our weather has been so amazing lately that the park is becoming a regular part of our day. We ended the day with a movie night and yummy movie treats. We watched Maleficent for the 1985749874 time and I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it yet.
Moving on to Sunday, we all slept in a bit and it was glorious. I had another long shower, which was also glorious and as an extra special treat, my mother in law hung out with the girls so that the hubs and I could have a lunch date. It was excellent! AND THEN my awesome mother in law invited us for dinner, which meant great food and no cooking for me. It was a great day I tell you.
Oh yah and before i forget, I went to Target this weekend and saw this:
Have a great week! Until next time!
What kind of blogs do you typically enjoy reading?
This weekend was a four day weekend for E (my 8 year old), so we got the party started on Friday. The first thing the girls did on Friday morning was get all of Baby B's Little People sets out and make a giant Little People village in the living room.
It was super cute and much appreciated because it kept B happy and busy for a good 30 minutes....long enough for me to have a cup of coffee and check emails in peace. It was good times for all.
Saturday got off to an equally amazing start because my husband was off work, which meant I got to take a nice long shower and actually take time to properly put on makeup and get ready for the day. My weekday beauty routine tends to be super rushed because I either do it when B is napping or when she is momentarily distracted by a toy right outside the shower door, so my long Saturday morning showers are a luxury for sure. Speaking of showers, something I am loving right now is this link that Janetha shared on her blog about how to properly shampoo your hair. I have fine hair and this technique has been awesome for me. My hair has lots more body and bounce...love it! Another beauty related thing I am loving is the Clairsonic Mia that I got for Christmas from my parents. If you haven't heard of it, you can check it out here. It is a bit pricey, but it is amazing, I tell you. My skin is so soft after I use it that I wish they made a giant one for my body. Good stuff. Once I was ready for the day, we went to my nephews basketball game and later took a walk to the park.
Our weather has been so amazing lately that the park is becoming a regular part of our day. We ended the day with a movie night and yummy movie treats. We watched Maleficent for the 1985749874 time and I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it yet.
Moving on to Sunday, we all slept in a bit and it was glorious. I had another long shower, which was also glorious and as an extra special treat, my mother in law hung out with the girls so that the hubs and I could have a lunch date. It was excellent! AND THEN my awesome mother in law invited us for dinner, which meant great food and no cooking for me. It was a great day I tell you.
And now here we are on Monday. I have been fighting a massive headache off and on all weekend and it seems to be at its worst today. I am currently watching the girls play while I wait for the Tylenol to kick in and we are listening to Robyn radio on Pandora (another current fav of mine and I highly recommend if you like to shake your booty like we do). I have a feeling it is going to be a pretty lazy day today and I am totally okay with that.
Yep, it's warm enough here to play outside in the water in January. Crazy right?!
Oh yah and before i forget, I went to Target this weekend and saw this:
W.....T......F! I am not okay with this for several reasons. A) I am so not ready for bathing suit season. B) Bathing suits mean summer, which means 1 milion degree temperatures here. C) I am so not ready for bathing suit season. Lets just enjoy winter for a minute shall we??
Have a great week! Until next time!
What kind of blogs do you typically enjoy reading?
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Burrito Baby
This week I have decided to participate in Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop. I tried to do this last week, but since it was new to me AND apparently I am terrible at following directions (you have to actually read them...duh) I royally screwed it up. BUT it's a new week of the new year and I am going to do it right this time. I chose to use the following writing prompt:
3. Choose the 7th picture you took from last January and write a poem.
Admit it. You are blown away at my poetry skills. I know...me too.
Until next time!!! xx

3. Choose the 7th picture you took from last January and write a poem.
My baby is wrapped in a blanket.
A burrito baby if you will.
The look on her face is cute.
My heart she will always fill.
Missing from the pic is her sister.
And their awesome dad, my Mr.
She is so sweet.
Our family now complete.
I want to hug and kiss her.
Admit it. You are blown away at my poetry skills. I know...me too.
Until next time!!! xx

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