Thursday, January 15, 2015

Burrito Baby

This week I have decided to participate in Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop. I tried to do this last week, but since it was new to me AND apparently I am terrible at following directions (you have to actually read them...duh) I royally screwed it up. BUT it's a new week of the new year and I am going to do it right this time. I chose to use the following writing prompt:
3. Choose the 7th picture you took from last January and write a poem.

Soooo. without further ado, here we go:
My baby is wrapped in a blanket.
A burrito baby if you will.
The look on her face is cute.
My heart she will always fill.
Missing from the pic is her sister.
And their awesome dad, my Mr.
She is so sweet.
Our family now complete.
I want to hug and kiss her.

Admit it. You are blown away at my poetry skills. I too.

Until next time!!! xx

Mama’s Losin’ It


  1. Yes, I'm blown away! Your poem was sweet. And welcome to Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop.

  2. That is so sweet! When our daughter was a baby, we called her a burrito, too! She loved to be swaddled and when she was, she looked just like a burrito! Thanks for sharing your poem and welcome to Mama Kat's!

    1. Thank you! She had colic when she was newborn and she liked to be swaddled. When she would cry, I called her my spicy burrito.

  3. She is a doll! There is little I adore more in life than a burrito wrapped baby. :)
