I love chocolate. If I was one of those people that used words like "chocoholic", I would totally describe myself as one. Wait...I am one of those people. I am a chocoholic. I recently gave up dairy and my biggest concern was not where I was going to get calcium for strong bones. Nope. I was too worried about whether or not I would still be able to eat chocolate. Thankfully, the answer to that burning question is yes. So far the tastiest non-dairy option I have found is Trader Joe's Extra Dark Chocolate Wedges. They are slightly sweet and just delightful. The only hiccup so far has been the packaging. The cute little tin it comes in is a nightmare to get open, especially when you haven't had chocolate in hours and you have the shakes. It has actually been a bit of a blessing in disguise since everytime I manage to get it open, the pieces come flying out and the ones I don't catch in my mouth end up on the floor. Since I refuse to eat food off the ground (usually), this saves me calories. I may weep when I throw it away, but it is one less piece for me to eat. The problem with this theory is that I buy five packages at a time and I don't let myself run out, but luckily during my recent pregnancy, I discovered a way to use hair elastics to expand the waistband of my jeans. If that's wrong, I don't want to be right.
Nom Nom Nom
Disclaimer: This photo is a reenactment of the events that take place when I open the package. I could not bring myself to purposely throw them on the floor, so I used the counter for educational purposes.